Friday, November 27, 2009

How often to clean hair straighteners?

Hair straighteners (hair straightening irons) need to be cleaned every now and then with a wet cloth to remove residue froom heat protection sprays etc., or else their performance is not as good. How often are you supposed to clean your hair straighteners?

How often to clean hair straighteners?

I agree with after every straightening. Heat styling tools get buildup FAST with all the product used to protect hair. Product left on straighteners burns, then it burns into your hair. Yuck! What I do is dampen a non-abrasive washcloth and gently wipe the plates clean. No build up, ever!

How often to clean hair straighteners?

many thanks to everyone!

lx3 Report It

How often to clean hair straighteners?

Clean them when you start to notice build up in them. Don't do it too often or you risk damaging them.

閳?br>How often to clean hair straighteners?

atleast once a week.. *that's how often I clean mine and I use it 3 times per week... make sure it is not over done.. you dont want to damage your straightener

How often to clean hair straighteners?

after every straghtening

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